This paper examines some problems of educating people in alternative dispute resolution. The social, economic and political changes give rise to a greater level of conflict and inequality within any society that is undergoing transformation. We suggest that education in conflict management and resolution, and particularly with the respect to consensusbuilding techniques and collaborative interest-based approaches to conflict, can play an important role. Individuals who are used to alternative dispute resolution (ADR) better perceive their values and achieve their needs and are more active in decision making process. The better one can use consultation, negotiation and mediation the more society acquires the features of self-regulation and self-governance and the more efficient is counterweighing of social relations sharpened by modernization. Teaching and training the society in peaceful practice brings to people certitude that the best way of interacting with adversaries is to communicate and cooperate with them in solving problem which contradistinguished individuals or organisations. Modern conflict resolution development in Lithuania takes place in a wide legal, administrative, cultural and social environment. Actual conflict resolution curricula may be found in some university programs and postgraduate studies. The next stage will ensure the development of classes and programs in the fields of law, social psychology, political science, public administration, and sociology. Some corrections with elements of dispute resolution and peace education may be incorporated into the curricula of primary and secondary schools. Also certificate programs have to be designed for professionals solving commercial, social problems, dealing with extreme situations, and others, to meet their specific needs in conflict resolution skills. Long-term purposeful efforts while forming positive thinking, approach towards constructive activities and assertive behavior, that is the whole mental and cultural heritage, should be followed constantly in order to make negotiations, mediation and other alternative dispute resolution methods a part of public life and problem solution.
Education alternative dispute resolution mediation Lithuania